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Loving Lord Jesus, as the day breaks, we thank you for sustaining the world overnight.
We praise you for the rhythm of the seasons and the beauty of your creation.
As we delight in your love for us – may we share your love with others

Loving Lord Jesus, as the day unfolds,
We think of the women going to the tomb.
They went in sadness and confusion
And discovered that the tomb was empty and death defeated.
As we hear their story – may it become our story to be shared with others

Loving Lord Jesus, as the light increases,
We think of how the disciples met you their risen Saviour.
Their fear became joy and they went on to start the first churches.
As the disciples worshipped you – may we also worship you in our services today.

Loving Lord Jesus, as the day continues,
We think of how the Easter story has changed individuals and history. 
We thank you for the spread of your gospel.
As faithful Christians have lived out your message over time – may we in this time bring your light to others.

Loving Lord Jesus, at the end of the day,
May we thank you for all the celebrations we have shared. 
We think of those who have been unable to meet because of frailty, ill-health and persecution.
As you met the women at the tomb in their grief and sadness – may you be with those who have suffered today.

We ask that you will bring them, with us, to your heavenly home when the time is right.
We bring these prayers to you, trusting in your redeeming, death defeating, wonderful love.  Amen

Risen Lord Jesus,
You met your friends at precisely their point of need
– Mary Magdalene, Thomas, the two walking to Emmaus and Peter at the lakeside.
And to each you brought hope and the promise of life in abundance.
Meet us in the same way, with hope and abundant life,
So that we can bask in the light of your resurrection,
And reflect that light into a muddled world.