Jesus, as I join You on Your journey to Calvary,
give me eyes to perceive You
in the shadows of my circumstance,
faith to believe in Your perfect plan,
and grace to receive Your mercies anew.
Lord, carry me through the darkness of these difficult days
to the life and light to come. Amen.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?
Psalm 22:1
My God, My God, my Heavenly Father
You didn’t forsake Jesus,
You won’t ever forsake me,
but – You didn’t stop the suffering
because – Something of immeasurable worth came from it.
however – The greatest cost was the pain you carried
as – You watched Jesus carry and then hang on the cross.
Thank you for sharing the pain of Jesus’ suffering
And all the suffering before and since.
Thank you for redeeming the world
so that – Suffering will end and a new heaven and earth will be made.