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Welcome to our worship services at Brockenhurst Parish.

We welcome you whether you can sing like Pavarotti or just growl quietly to yourself.  You’re welcome here if you’re just ‘browsing’, just woken up or just got lost and ended up here by accident.  We don’t care if you’re more Christian than the Archbishop of Canterbury, or have never been to church before! Should you come to one of our churches, join in where and when you want.  Stand up, sit down; sing out loud or just reflect on the words – whatever suits you best.   We are so pleased that you’re looking!  Welcome!

In our services we aim to draw closer to the God who is always close to us and recognise that we all have different preferred ways of doing this.  It’s why we have a range of services that aim to cater for different tastes and styles.  All of our services though have a few things in common:-

  • You will receive a friendly welcome.
  • You will not be given lots of books and paperwork to juggle – following our services will be made as easy as possible.
  • You will not be asked for money.  If you want to give there is a card reader by the door or a plate to place money in should you want to.
  • There will be a mixture of hymns – contemporary and more traditional.
  • The liturgy (order of service) we use will be kept simple and to a minimum, as will any use of clerical dress or symbolic actions.
  • Services will be conducted using a range of creative media to better engage with different learning and worship styles.
  • Services are led by men and woman, ordained and lay.
  • We will always value your feedback.


Our Services

Thursday Morning Communion at St Saviour’s – 10am

A quiet and reflective said Communion service including a ‘thought for the day’ and providing food for the journey in obedience to Jesus’ command, ‘Do this in remembrance of me.’

Sunday 9am at St Nicholas’  (at St Saviour’s on fifth Sunday of the month)

A slightly more traditional service of Holy Communion including hymns.  On the first Sunday of each month we use the very traditional service as set out in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.

Sunday 10:30am at St Saviour’s (10am on 5th Sundays for Joint Mission HC Service)

A more informal service of Morning Praise with a mixture of contemporary songs and older hymns.  We will use different media to explore the main theme and help us in our worship.  On the second Sunday of the month worship is lead by a band made up of all ages and instruments!  On the third Sunday there is a service of Holy Communion and on the fifth Sunday we hold a Mission Service – with Holy Communion – at which we hear from one of our mission partners.  Please stay for teas and coffee after services at St Saviour’s.

SO4:12 Sunday 10:30am at Brockenhurst Primary School

On the fourth Sunday of each month (not in December) we hold a special children & families event in the Primary School hall.  Specifically tailored to families and younger children this event focusses on action songs, games and craft around a thought provoking topic.

Festivals and Special Occasions

Throughout the year, at major Christian festivals and special occasions, our pattern of worship may change from that outlined above, so do please keep an eye on our website as to what is happening. 

Please check the schedule below for exact service timings or look at Virtual Church to see recordings of earlier services.  We look forward to welcoming you.fift

Daily Morning & Evening Prayer

Click here for details on how to join our online Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer at 8:30am and 5:30pm Daily