teach me how to still my racing thoughts.
Help me to come to you
arguing nothing,
pleading nothing,
asking nothing,
except to be still
in your presence.
Give me faith
that will enable me
to lay my burdens at your feet,
and to leave them there
in exchange for the peace
which passes all understanding.
Frank Topping

Silent God
This is my prayer-
That, though I may not see,
I be aware
of the Silent God
Who stands by me.
That, though I may not feel,
I be aware
Of the Mighty Love
which doggedly follows me.
That, though I may not respond,
I be aware
That God – my Silent, Mighty God,
Waits each day.
Quietly, hopefully, persistently.
Waits each day and through each night
For me.
For me – alone.
Edwina Gateley

To be here before you, Lord, that’s all:
to shut the eyes of my body,
to open the eyes of my soul,
and be still and silent,
to expose myself to you who are here, exposed to me.
To be here before you,
the Eternal Presence,
I am willing to feel nothing, Lord,
to see nothing,
to hear nothing,
empty of all ideas, of all images,
in the darkness.
Here I am, simply,
to meet you without obstacles,
in the silence of faith,
before you, Lord.
Michael Quoist