Prayer is simply a conversation with God. Like any conversation, there are times we speak and times when we listen. Each of our services contain the opportunity to continue our collective and personal conversations with God. However, this is only part of the story – prayer can also be a private conversation where we share our preoccupations, troubles and hopes for the future.
Starting a prayer with God, the creator of all, can be a daunting prospect that’s like starting a conversation with a long-lost relative at a family gathering. If you are new to prayer, then our section HOW TO PRAY, will help you get started.
Alternatively, if you prefer to talk or think things through with a real person, you could mail a question (or even just the word HELP!) to . We can also offer a range of events (both online and face-to-face) to help you develop or broaden your approach to prayer.
Our prayer sections accessed below, or from the menu, provide some ideas for how you can pray on your own. We also recognise most people have times when they can’t find the right words to express themselves to God. Support is available through where trained people working in the strictest confidence will listen to understand the situation, help you think through the potential options for prayer and, if it’s helpful, offer prayers on your behalf. Similar face-to-face assistance is offered at some of our regular services and periodic services for wholeness and healing.
Some ideas to get you started
Prayers for different situations and events
Regularly updated Bible verses, prayers, poems, and quotes
Prayers that can be used during the day
Prayers for different church seasons
Earlier posts from the prayer blog