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God of Spirit and community,
this is the day the Church was born.
We know that the church is still in draft form;
You want so much more for us.
May your Spirit mould us into the likeness of Jesus,
So that we live the way he lived
and love the way he loved.
And may we do this in the fellowship of his body – the Church.

On the morning of Pentecost
there was a sound like a mighty wind.
Lord God, we sometimes forget that you are powerful.
Forgive us for limiting you to the size of our imaginations.
May we offer to the world a God without limits,
an infinite source of love, creativity and wisdom.
We pray for courage and faith to trust in you.
God of Pentecost – fill us afresh with your Spirit.

On the morning of Pentecost
tongues of fire appeared to rest on the disciples.
A divine fire that spoke of holiness and the presence of God.
We pray, gracious Spirit for an awareness of your presence
in the midst of our everyday lives.
May we see you in home and work,
shared meals and acts of love, in nature and works of art.
God of Pentecost – fill us afresh with your Spirit.

On the morning of Pentcost
the disciples spoke in other languages,
causing amazement and perplexity.
Gracious Spirit help us to speak the language of love.
We pray that what we say and do will speak of your love,
that we will encourage, welcome, inspire and comfort.
God of Pentecost – fill us afresh with your Spirit.

On the morning of Pentcost
many people turned to you
and became part of the family of believers.
Gracious God make us bold to pray
that others would know your redeeming love and power.
May your Spirit flow through us
God of Pentecost – fill us afresh with your Spirit.