Brockenhurst Gateway Club is a locally based club for Adults with Learning Difficulties. It meets every Thursday evening in term time in the Village Hall and has 30-40 members with a wide variety of special needs. It started about 27 years ago and some of the original members still attend. We come under the umbrella of New Forest Mencap who pay the salaries of our Leader and two assistant leaders. All other helpers are volunteers. We try to be self-funding and rely on donations and our own fund raising. We also have to pay for the rent of the Hall each week. In the summer term we vary our meetings and for instance, have a sailing evening at Keyhaven Yacht Club, a Picnic in the Forest and a walk at Mudeford Beach with picnic. Our leader Sarah Fallas is always full of ideas and enthusiasm which helps the enjoyment and flow of the evenings. Our members are proud to be part of their club and we have our own T shirts and fleeces with our logo on them. The Covid lockdown was very difficult for them, their carers and parents, as they had no routine to their lives and lost the chance to socialise and attend their various activities. So being open again is a great joy. We are extremely grateful for the regular donation from St Saviour’s church and other local organisations which enables us to give our members extra treats and special evenings. Our next big event is the Sports Saturday at Brockenhurst College gym in late October when we compete with other Gateway clubs in the area. It is very popular and most gratefully is partially run by the local Rotary Club, and geared to all with special needs.