Lord Jesus
Sometimes we are busy because there are a lot of things that need to be done
– help us to work hard and sustain us with your energy
Sometimes we are busy because we are trying to do things
that don’t need to be done
– help us to share your priorities
Sometimes we are busy because we have postponed tasks that we don’t like
– help us to learn from our mistakes
Sometimes we are busy because we don’t want to have time to think
– help us to know that you are alongside us and will share our burdens
Sometimes we are busy because we are scared that we will otherwise be lonely
– help us to discover that you are our closest friend and sustain us with other friendships
Sometimes we are busy because we believe that being busy makes us valuable
– help us to slow down and live life at your pace as your beloved children
Today help us to remember that time is a gift from you
and there is just enough time to do what you want us to do
– may we listen to your guiding Spirit.