whose voice we long to hear,
and whose presence we yearn to discern,
grant us the patience to endure,
the sensitivity to hear your haunting whisper of love
and the bloody-mindedness to keep hanging on in there. Amen.

whose voice we long to hear,
and whose presence we yearn to discern,
grant us the patience to endure,
the sensitivity to hear your haunting whisper of love
and the bloody-mindedness to keep hanging on in there. Amen.
The Church Office, Church Hall, Wilverley Road, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7SP
Email : office@brockenhurstchurch.com Tel: 01590 624584.
Office hours are Monday to Friday 10am–12pm.
©️ 2025 Brockenhurst PCC. All Rights Reserved. Registered Charity No. 1131796. Brockenhurst Church is part of The Church of England.