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For many years the church in Brockenhurst has supported SAT-7, a charity which provides programmes through the internet, TV, radios and phones not only throughout MENA (the Middle East and North Africa) but, with the aid of online streaming and satellites, throughout the whole world. It reaches listeners and viewers in many countries where Christianity is banned and women and girls are treated badly. Many listen to or watch material in private and have a secret Christian faith or curiosity. This includes using Zoom. If you support SAT 7 personally (visit you receive a very special prayer diary which tells you more about some of these persecuted groups and reminds us of the need to pray for them. This includes many struggling in countries suffering from war, famine and persecution, and refugees fleeing from their homes seeking survival anywhere else.

Here are a few examples:
• A 17-year old girl from Gaza who shares ‘so long as we are alive we must have hope’.
• A Turkish man recounts: ‘One day I was walking down the street, and I found a bible in the rubbish. I picked it up and started reading it. That night I had a beautiful dream that I will never forget. Then I discovered SAT-7 and have come this far as a Christian. I am very grateful for your programmes.’
• A young man from Turkiye: ‘I am deeply grateful for your precious prayers and encouraging programmes. There is no church here, but thanks to you, I never feel alone.’

SAT-7 tries to give a voice to the estimated 21 million children in the MENA living with disabilities who often face stigma, a lack of specialised care and many barriers.
We perhaps take for granted that we can receive teaching, enjoy worship and read the Bible in our own language. In places where believers are often isolated and can’t worship freely with others, we can give thanks that SAT-7 is providing discipleship, resources and worship in the language of the MENA. They broadcast in the three main languages of the region – Arabic, Turkish and Persian – and also many others including little-known ones like Tajik in Tajikistan where Christians are overjoyed to hear worship songs in their own language.
Our support helps create powerful, faith-filled television programmes and digital media broadcast right into the heart of millions of homes across the Middle East and beyond. Isolated believers can watch in secret and people with questions about Jesus can safely seek answers.
To learn more visit