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God calls you out from where you are.
God calls you to adventure with him.
God calls you on an awesome journey. Come!

Come where the division between sacred and secular disappears.
Come and discover that heaven and earth are one.
Come where God dwells in you and you in him. Come!

Let your life become your prayer,
Let journeying be a walk with God.
Come on a discovery of yourself. Come!

Get to know and love your own mysterious being.
Discover within yourself sacred space.
Enter into the time which is beyond time. Come!

Then everywhere will be changed,
Every place will be transfigured,
Where God is known to be with you.
You will go on well-trodden paths and new ways.
You cannot come as an onlooker, that leaves you on the outside,
Come and share the journey. Come!

The God who calls you to the awesome journey
Is God who travels the road with you.
Make your home in him and welcome him. Come!


Revelation 22:17 NLT
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.”
Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.”
Let anyone who is thirsty come.
Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.