We often read 1 Corinthians 13, enjoy the familiar words and move on
without changing how and why we live as we do.
Here is a challenge!
If we rephrased the virtues of love in 1 Corinthians 13 they might look like this:
I am patient with you because I love you and want to forgive you
I am kind to you because I love you and want to help you.
I do not envy your possessions or your gifts because I love you and want to help you.
I do not boast about my attainments because I love you and want to hear about yours.
I am not proud because I love you and want to esteem you before myself.
I am not rude because I love you and care about your feelings.
I am not self-seeking because I love you and want to meet your needs.
I am not easily angered by you because I love you and want to overlook your offences.
I do not keep a record of your wrongs because I love you,
and ‘love covers over a multitude of sins’.