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The deep tranquillity which we mean by peace of soul is the surest of all signs of spiritual health …
A peacefulness which persists through success and through suffering alike is the real mark of the Christian soul.

Evelyn Underhill

Peace is, above all things, a state of the will.
It is a calm, willed acceptance of all the conditions that God imposes upon us,
   and deepens with our deepening realisation of Him.
When we completely transfer the centre of interest from our ideas to His ideas,
   then we enter the coasts of peace.
This peace is not merely a nice religious feeling that comes in times of prayer.
It doesn’t mean basking in the Divine sunshine like comfortable pussycats.
It’s a peace that needs and produces a courageous yet humble kind of love.
It means such a profound giving of ourselves to God
– an utter neglect of our opinions, preferences and rights
– as keeps the deeps of our soul within His atmosphere in all the surface rush, ups and downs,
  demands and disappointments, joys and suffering of daily life.
We cease to matter.
Only God and His work matter.
He demands an unmeasured love, and His response is an unmeasured peace
– a peace tested in Gethsemane, in mockery, insult, misunderstanding, apparent failure, extreme pain
– yet so radical it could be given from the cross to the dying thief.

Robyn Wrigley-Carr