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How many of you have been to a meeting that began with a prayer along these lines,
“Dear God, please be with us”?
We all have. It’s how we often begin our meetings.
But how many of you have been to a meeting that began with a prayer something like this,
“Dear God, please help us to be with you”?
Not too many.

I don’t doubt the sincerity or faithfulness of the first prayer and I understand its intent.
But there is a difference between the two.
Do you hear the difference?
Can you see the difference in your life? 

I want Jesus to take on my worries, cares, and concerns.
I want Jesus to share my priorities, opinions, and worldviews.
I want Jesus to promote my initiatives and be on my side.
I want Jesus to provide what I want, need, and pray for.
And I don’t want Jesus to get too big, wild, or crazy.
I don’t want him to challenge me or make me uncomfortable.
I don’t want him to ask me to change or live differently.
I want him to support but not mess with my life.

From Interrupting the Silence –