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The Eucharist is not a performance
It is not the reading of words
Or the completing of actions
It is a getting out of the way
It is an opening of the door
It is a taking off your shoes because you are standing on holy ground
It is seeing the burning bush

It is not in your power to light the fire
You are not the light
You are the lighthouse keeper
Simpler still
You are not the water of life
It is simply enough to provide the bucket

You are not the bread of life yourself
But you are the one who takes and eats
And becomes Christ’s body

You are not the wine
But you are the one who drinks and shares
The cup of Christ’s blood
Which takes away the sins of the world

So come back time and time again
With great devotion
With great simplicity
With great love
Make space
Give all
Become what you truly are.

Richard Carter