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We are always moving
So we don’t see
Always talking
So we don’t hear
Or we hear in snatches, or bites
But we do not listen to the heights or depths.

You actually have to stop to see
To be still to notice
How often we walk through rather than being with
Walk past without offering time or space
Take the photo without realising
   that the true camera is our inner eye.

We think we have to catch up with the world
Actually, we have to be still enough
   to let the world catch up with us
And meet us in the still place
Our lives can be like fast trains rushing through a station
So fast you cannot read the signs
Only a flash of colour and blur of people and place
No time to notice
Or see the signs of God.

Here and now
Be in the moment
Lest you miss it and let your mind and body race on
To further racing.

Richard Carter