The PCC exists to consult with the incumbent on matters of general concern and importance to the parish. Its role is to co-operate with the incumbent in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. The PCC should also consider and discuss matters concerning the Church of England, putting into effect any provisions made by deanery, diocesan or national synods. It is to be a body that is able to reflect all opinions and concerns of those within the parish. It is also a legally recognised body, liable for financial decisions and the joint employers of paid staff who serve the parish.The key areas of responsibility for the PCC are managed through the teams which serve and report to the PCC. Minutes of PCC meetings are available from the church office.
The Fabric Team: responsible for the church buildings, their contents and the grounds of the churches.
The Finance Team: looking after all areas of stewardship, accounting and budgeting for the church.The Pastoral Team: coordinating the pastoral care provided by the church.
The Worship Team: overseeing the public worship within the churches.
The Children and Youth Team: working to amongst families, children and young people.
The Mission Team: identifying and planning our support for external missions local and global.
The Pastoral Team: co-ordinationg our pastoral care through Brockcare
The Digital Church Team: running our virtual church services and developing our IT
The EcoChurch Team: encouraging us all to become greener as a church and to care about creation
The Social Team: helping to plan and provide for social events especially those where refreshments are needed.
The Church Hall Team: are responsible for the church hall maintenance and bookings.
The Standing Committee: meets between PCC meetings to plan the agenda and when urgent matters arise which must be dealt with. The Standing Committee is made up of the incumbent, wardens, treasurer, secretary and an additional PCC member.
PCC members serve for a three year period after which they may stand for re-election. Each member will be expected to join at least one of the teams to provide a link between the teams and the PCC. The PCC meets six times a year in May, July, September, November, January and March. Meetings usually start at 7.30pm with tea and coffee and will end by 10.00pm. Papers will be distributed by email before the meeting which should be read and considered before the meeting. Any other business should be submitted 10 days before the meeting if it is to be considered on the agenda.
The minutes of our meetings form a record of decisions taken together and so must record those matters which are proposed, seconded and then voted upon. Usually a majority vote is sufficient to pass a decision unless it is a major undertaking at which time a two thirds majority will be required. The chairman has a casting vote if needed. The PCC are a body who seek to steer and guide the future of our church as well as responding to day to day needs. We will usually make time in the autumn term to spend time together away from the parish seeking God’s guidance for our way forward. In all of this we need the grace of God and presence of His Spirit to watch over us and bless us as we seek to do his will.