Alpha is a series of conversations that looks into questions of life, faith and God.
For the Brockenhurst Church early 2021 course we joined on zoom
and watched a 25 minute video on various topics exploring the Christian faith,
then afterwards we chatted with others and had honest and open discussions.
Topics can vary from Who is Jesus? and How can we have faith? to Why and how do I pray? and How does God guide us?
Alpha has been running all over the world for decades in pubs, churches, universities, prisons and homes.
Maybe in the past few months of living in such uncertain times you have questions about faith.
This is the perfect place to come and explore answers together with others. Everyone is welcome!
Brockenhurst Church is planning to run a further course either Alpha or Christianity Explored later in 2021
so please do email the church office, register your interest and we will share the joining instructions.