We hope you enjoy browsing and it would be lovely to meet you at a church service.
There are several ways you can join us.
in person
on Zoom
on the telephone
or on YouTube
To find the details of our services and how you can join in just click on this picture
But we also offer a lot more within the church and in the community
These website sections should help you discover more
About us
The Church Team
How the church is organised
Church Hall Hire
Church history
Church Life
Church Services
and what we do
as a
Church Community
Growing in faith
that are coming up
and project updates
The Church Office, Church Hall, Wilverley Road, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7SP
Email : office@brockenhurstchurch.com Tel: 01590 624584.
Office hours are Monday to Friday 10am–12pm.
©️ 2025 Brockenhurst PCC. All Rights Reserved. Registered Charity No. 1131796. Brockenhurst Church is part of The Church of England.