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May 2022

Dear Friends, This month on 26th May the Church celebrates Christ’s Ascension into heaven – an event that has always slightly puzzled me!  Let me explain why. Both the book of Acts and Luke’s gospel tell us that before ascending, Christ gathered his disciples together and told them that they

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April 2022

In Scripture many of the sayings of Jesus come from extra-biblical sources, aphorisms, legends and stories. He takes wisdom from wherever it comes. It’s interesting to note that when he does quote Scripture itself, the only Hebrew Scriptures that he quotes are those that move towards mercy, justice and inclusivity.

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March 2022

Dear Friends, The season of Lent is upon us – a season that perhaps many of us aren’t quite sure what to do with apart from giving up chocolate, alcohol, or something else that we’re not quite sure we really want to give up, or understand why we’re giving it

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